General Mills : The Good Food Fight

Not since the days of flicking the remains of our school lunches at classmates in the cafeteria has food fighting been so amusing than with General Mills'

Published On
Sep 19, 2007
The Good Food Fight

Editor's Pick

Not since the days of flicking the remains of our school lunches at classmates in the cafeteria has food fighting been so amusing than with General Mills' latest web effort. 

Actually emphasizing a good cause, the viral, visual and often messy site, created by MDC division mono, promotes General Mills' "Eat Better America" mantra with a "good food fight." Faced with an already food-splattered homepage, viewers can then click through and choose their weapon from three sloppy, yet health-conscious dishes--including spinach-filled fish rolls and spaghetti & spicy veggie meatballs--each with their rating of splat factor, stainage and hurlability. 

After choosing from three "glubslingers" including a lunch lady, a martial arts master and a hot dog vendor (also with their own rating system), a placid recipe page emerges only to give way to your combatant of choice hurling food your way and talking trash. 

Of course, there's also an "ambush your friend" option that lets you wage culinary conflict via email with your person of choice.


Sep 19, 2007
Client :
General Mills
Agency :
Interactive Creative Director :
T. Scott Major
Creative Director/ Copywriter :
Michael Hart
Creative Director/ Copywriter :
Troy Longie
Creative Director, Art Director :
Chris Lange
Agency Producer :
Jolene Lew
Interactive Production Company :
Brand :
General Mills

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