McCann Melbourne's 'Guilt Trips' Takes Home Creative Effectiveness Grand Prix
Australian Transport Corporation v/Line Hits Close to Home
Published On
Jun 16, 2014
Editor's Pick
Australian coach and railway transport company V/Line created prepaid train tickets-- a simple gift for parents in remote towns to send their children with a healthy dose of guilt. The familiar theme is visited in this as parents were given instructional guidebooks and referred to handy how-to-make-you-kids-feel-guilty videos on YouTube.
McCann Melbourne was awarded the Creative Effectiveness Grand Prix at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity for its work on the campaign. Read the story for details.
For more of the goings on at Cannes, tune into Creativity's "The Best of Cannes."
- Date
- Jun 16, 2014
- Brand :
- V/Line
- Client :
- V/Line
- Agency :
- McCann-Melbourne
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