Angel Soft's Latest Tear-Jerker Pays Tribute to Single Parents

Brand Lifts Burden From Moms and Dads on Their Own

Published On
Mar 22, 2017

Editor's Pick

Angel Soft continues to provide us with an alternative use for its toilet paper with another tear-jerking film --this time to celebrate National Single Parent's Day.

The brand's latest doc-style spot out of Deutsch L.A. interviews single parents, both mothers and fathers, who talk about the sacrifices they have happily (but stressfully) made for the sake of their kids. At the end of the film, however, Angel Soft surprises them with gifts designed to lift some of their burdens, like a year's worth of preschool, childcare or rent.

Previously, the brand paid tribute to single moms -- on Father's Day, and honored a special pair of grandparents.