This Agency Wants the World to Crowdsource Beyonce's Baby Names
Digitas LBi Belgium Will Create a Book of Suggestions
Editor's Pick
When Beyonce revealed she was pregnant with twins earlier this year, social media went crazy with interest -- and speculation has already been rife over what she and Jay-Z will call the siblings to Blue Ivy.
Agency Digitas LBi Belgium has decided that she might need some help coming up with something creative, so has set up a website to crowdsource name suggestions. The idea is that the names will be collated and made into a book to be sent to Beyonce ahead of the birth of the twins in June.
To contrivute, either suggest your own name or click "Inspire Me" to create suggestions based on Beyonce Lyrics, Jay-Z lyrics, drinks, places, animals, planets and more. (Creativity got "Diamonds Silver" and "Cyan Eclipse.") You can then share a picture of some cute twin babies wearing your name suggestions on social media.
- Date
- Apr 20, 2017
- Agency :
- Digitas LBi-Belgium
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