These revolting Japanese game show ideas are meant to get you hungry for sushi

Bizarre campaign celebrates 20th anniversary of France's Sushishop

Published On
May 07, 2018

Editor's Pick

Ahh, Japan. Home to breathtaking natural wonders, exquisite cultural traditions, delicious food, jaw-dropping technology--and totally WTF absurd game shows. The last figures in an unusual campaign for French restaurant Sushishop's 20th anniversary, which pays homage, of sorts, to Japan's wacky entertainment world with two new program ideas. We don't know which is more flabbergasting--the gruesome bikini wax challenge or the literal pissing contest (made nearly insurmountable by makeshift headwinds).

The films were created out of Sushishop's agency La Force and directed by Julien Seri via Diagoro films. How all that excess hair and golden spray will whet appetites for for nigiri, chirashi or temaki, we're not quite sure (the point, apparently, is to highlight how Sushishop has imported the best of Japan to France, and leff the not-so-great stuff, like game shows, behind), but hats off for to the campaign for out-weirding and already weird genre.


May 07, 2018
Brand :
Client :
Agency :
La Force
Chief Creative Officer :
Mathieu Nevians
Chief Creative Officer :
Olivier Henry
Head of Account :
Mehdi El Alj
Copywriter :
Mehdi El Alj
Copywriter :
Olivier Henry
Art Director :
Mathieu Nevians
Founder :
Gregory Marciano
Founder :
Hervé Louis
Chief Marketing Officer :
Yaelle Toledano
Production :
Director :
Julien Seri
Executive Producer :
Zelda Rittner
Editor :
Olivier Chateau
Sound Director :
Guilhem Domercq
Graphics :
Color Grading :
Rmi Nonne
Color :
Sound Design and Music :
Adrien Baquet
Music and Sound Design :
Au Revoir Charlie

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