Dutch Museum for Communication : How Much is Your Privacy Worth? (1)

Do you share too much?

Published On
May 20, 2012
How Much is Your Privacy Worth? (1)

Editor's Pick

Illustrator and graphic designer Noma Bar designed these poster for The Dutch Museum for Communication, which conducted research into the theme of privacy for its latest exhibition.

Via agency KesselsKramer, the museum conducted an official survey, the results of which are now displayed in the museum and on its website. KesselsKramer also conducted a series of street interviews. Bar used some of the findings to create the posters.


May 21, 2012
Brand :
Dutch Museum for Communication
Client :
Dutch Museum for Communication
Agency :
Illustrator :
Noma Bar
Creative :
Erik Kessels
Creative :
Pim Gerrits
Creative :
Krista Rozema
Creative :
Angela Lidderdale
Creative :
Cris Dijkman
Production :
Pieter Leendertse

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