IdeaBaby : IdeaBaby

What was your first idea

Published On
Apr 03, 2012

Editor's Pick

Students at BYU Adlab thought up IdeaBaby, so you can take a look at the utterly stupid (or genius) ideas your favorite creatives first came up with. Designed to bring students and professionals together, people can submit their idea baby -- or first ad -- to the site so everyone can either laugh at it or groan and decide to quit the profession forever since they'll never make anything as good.

To date, Brent Anderson, Menno Kluin, Patric Maravilla, and Jason Bagley, among others, are on the site.


Apr 04, 2012
Brand :
Client :
Agency :
BYU Adlab
Copywriter :
Mitch Stevens
Copywriter :
Scott Stevens
Copywriter :
Rebbie Groesbeck
Art Director :
Robbie Rane
Executive Creative Director/Production :
Jeff Sheets

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