Newcastle Launches 'Independence Eve' Holiday as an Excuse to Sell Beer
Droga5 New York continues its cheeky efforts for the 'No Bollocks' campaign
Editor's Pick
You can now file Newcastle Brown Ale under that list of advertisers who come up with ridiculous holidays in order to sell product--but hey, it does it with finesse! Continuing its cheeky No Bollocks campaign out with Droga5 New York, the brewer has officially dubbed July 3rd "Independence Eve," to celebrate that last day of British rule over America, and all those things Americans sacrificed when they signed the Declaration of Independence--and push its brew in the process.
The campaign includes the "Revolutionary Koozie," which features the British flag on one side and the stars and stripes on the other. It will be distributed at bars across the country and at the stroke of midnight on the 4th, the brand is encouraging drinkers to turn the beer wrapper 180 degrees, representing their historic shift from "honorary British subject to proud American."
Newcastle will also be counting down toward the big day on Facebook and on Twitter @Newcastle.
- Date
- Jul 02, 2013
- Brand :
- Newcastle Brown Ale
- Client :
- Newcastle Brown Ale
- Chairperson :
- David Droga
- Chief Creative Officer :
- Ted Royer
- Executive Creative Director :
- Kevin Brady
- Creative Director :
- Scott Bell
- Copywriter :
- Chris Colliton
- Copywriter :
- Chase Kimball
- Art Director :
- Kevin Weir
- Head of Integrated Production :
- Sally-Ann Dale
- Production Assistant :
- Heather Black
- Interactive Designer :
- Devin Croda
- Agency :
- Droga5-New York
- Art Director :
- Nomi Malik
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