Shark USA : Keep Moving

Nico Ammann, formerly at 86 the Onions in Venice, Calif., is living up to the Shark slogan, freelancing (see on

Published On
Aug 29, 2006
Keep Moving

Editor's Pick

Nico Ammann, formerly at 86 the Onions in Venice, Calif., is living up to the Shark slogan, freelancing (see on this California print and outdoor campaign, which also features a mural at Venice Beach (see the PDF) and a street team distributing free samples of the product. "We've all seen sports and energy beverage ads in which someone squirts half of the drink in his face," he says. "We just took this a step further


Aug 29, 2006
Creative Director/Art Director/Copywriter :
Nico Ammann
Retoucher :
Nico Ammann
Client :
Shark USA
Agency :
Brand :
Shark USA

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