A teenager bonds with her stepmom in an unexpected way in this French retail ad

The catalog and online retailer La Redoute tapped Fred & Farid Paris to emphasize the role it plays in family life

Published On
Jun 04, 2020

Editor's Pick

French online and catalog retailer La Redoute emphasizes the role it plays in family life in a new long-form ad that tells the story of a teenager and her father's girlfriend's attempts to win her over.

The spot, via Fred & Farid Paris, tells the story of Lou, who's dismayed when her father's girlfriend moves in and disrupts their weekends together. (Anyone who's ever read iconic French novel "Bonjour Tristesse" will know it's a classic French theme.) Lou gets angry and breaks her bedroom lamp, and her stepmother uses La Redoute to replace it; she goes to treat her to other gifts from the retailer, including some cool sneakers she wanted. Finally, Lou comes to terms with her news that her dad is expanding his family, with a gift of her own. 

Directed by well-known French actor Géraldine Nakache (her first time directing an ad), the story is reminiscent of Ikea's "Where Life Happens" ads, which have also touched on divorce and teenage angst. While clearly shot before the pandemic, it might have extra resonance right now for anyone forced into lockdown with family members they're not too sure about. 

The spot is running on broadcast TV in France, as well as on online. 


Jun 04, 2020
Client :
La Redoute
Agency :
Fred & Farid
Chief Creative Officer :
Fred & Farid
Brand Supervisor :
Amélie Poisson
Brand Supervisor :
Marie Guillemot
Brand Supervisor :
Maylis Lasagesse
Brand Supervisor :
Mélanie Dufour
Agency Supervisor :
Séverine Autret
Agency Supervisor :
Olivia Abols
Agency Supervisor :
Grégoire Bazin
President/Executive Creative Director :
Olivier Lefebvre
Art Director :
Yann Rougeron
Copywriter :
Yann Rougeron
Social Media Lead :
Anthony Bober
Agency Producer :
Aurélien Mérigaud
Production Company :
Quad Stories
Producer :
Sayde Bayrak
Director :
Géraldine Nakache
Cinematographer :
George Lechaptois
Line Producer :
Camille Lipmann
Assistant Producer :
Valentin Gerardin
Post Production :
Fix Studio
Post Producer :
Claire Prudhomme
Editor :
Dorian Rigal-Ansous
Color Grade :
Arthur Paux
Graphist :
Youenn Denis
Music Production :
Massive Music
Music Supervisor :
Pierre Carnet
Music :
Pomme / « Une Minute »
Sound Post Production :
Sound Post-Producer :
Benjamin Desplanques

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