HBO Creates a Twisted ABC Book for

These Aren't Your Typical ABCs

Published On
Jul 16, 2014
The Leftovers' from A-Z

Editor's Pick

Those of you who have dug into HBO's new show "The Leftovers," inspired by Tom Perrotta's novel of the same name, know by now that good old small town life has discovered a new kind of a normal. To help illustrate this point, HBO teamed with 360i and Pablo Bernasconi on a new social, art-driven campaign, "The ABCs of the Sudden Departure."

On Facebook and Twitter, HBO will be debuting every week what pages from a children's ABC book would look like, if it were created in the context of the new show, which explores the gradual, mysterious disappearance of 2% of the world's population.

Every week HBO wil debut two new letters (see A-F above), with the final letters and book's cover to be revealed the week of the show's season finale on September 7. All the letters ultimately will be compiled into an E-book.


Jul 16, 2014
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Agency :
Chief Creative Officer :
Adam Kerj
Group Creative Director :
Michael Nuzzo
Associate Creative Director :
Adam Gloo
Associate Creative Director :
Nick Panayotopoulos
Art Director :
James Pinkerton
Copywriter :
Cole Orloff
Strategist :
Caroline Tseng
Influencer Marketing :
Emily Garvey
Influencer Marketing :
Joy Glass
Producer :
Halley Hopkins

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