This New Zealand Road Safety Ad Features Older, Unsung Heroes

Subtly-Scripted Ad Focuses on the Witnesses, Not the Drunk Drivers

Published On
Dec 08, 2014

Editor's Pick

The New Zealand Transport Agency and Clemenger BBDO Wellington have gained a reputation for hard-hitting campaigns, with PSAs such as the disturbingly brilliant "Blazed," which featured a group of kids talking about their dads' driving while under the influence of marijuana. Their latest ad looks at drunk driving from another angle, focusing not so much on the drivers (a bunch of rowdy lads on a beer-drinking night out) but on a couple of older guys who debate whether or not to intervene and stop them from getting in the car and driving. Directed by Finch's Patrick Hughes, the spot's subtle script and gentle humor gets the message across effectively without the use of shock tactics.