BA's Interactive, Plane-Recognizing Billboards Take the Direct Grand Prix at Cannes

Kids Get up, Point at Planes in Ogilvy out-of-Home Campaign

Published On
Nov 25, 2013

Editor's Pick

Talk about a cool billboard. OgilvyOne U.K.'s new ads in Piccadilly Circus and Chiswick in the U.K. feature little tykes that get up, and point at planes as they fly by in the sky overhead -- but only if they're British Airways planes. They even feature the flight number, and where it's coming from, or going to. Smart way to get across information on all the destinations the airline flies to.

The Billboards won the Direct Grand Prix at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. Read the story for details.

For more of the goings on at Cannes, tune into Creativity's "The Best of Cannes."