MADD : Lose Control - Boy

You have no control.

Published On
Mar 25, 2012

Editor's Pick

How dangerous is drinking? MADD and Esparza Advertising take a different tack to alcohol education by emphasizing how drinking to excess makes you lose control, something teens consider very important. Shot with shaky camerawork and in the semi-dark, the spots are a bit disconcerting, especially when they black out and you can't see what happens after the films end.


Mar 26, 2012
Brand :
Client :
Agency :
Esparza Advertising
Creative Director :
Adam Greenhood
Associate Creative Director :
Jeremy Spencer
Art Director :
Zak Rutledge
Production Company :
Buffalo Picture House
Director :
Felix Thompson
Producer :
Gabrielle Nadig
Director, Photography :
Brandon Roots
Art Direction :
Emmeline Wilks-Dupoise
Edit :
Paul Penczner

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