Glass Half Empty? Russian Milk Brand Steals a March on Competitors With Clever Media Buy

Talitsa Followed Rival Brands' Ads With Its Own Message

Published On
Jul 30, 2014

Editor's Pick

Russian milk company Talitsa found a way to promote its new brand of farm milk, which doesn't contain preservatives, by buying up short media spots following competitors' ads. Each time a competitor's ad ran it was followed by a shot of an empty glass of milk; the message being that, because it's so good, the Talista milk gets drunk.

The style also contrasted with most milk commercials, which tend to use shots of creamy milk splashing and pouring. According to the agency, Red Pepper, the campaign resulted in sales growth double that of expectations, and 62% brand awareness in just three weeks.


Jul 30, 2014
Agency :
Red Pepper
Brand :
Client :
Creative Director :
Danil Golovanov
Creative Director :
Nikita Harisov
Art Director :
Yulia Uzkih
Designer :
Iya Georgieva
Copywriter :
Ivan Sosnin
Producer :
Katy Bamby
Media Director :
Nastya Kirzhanova
Post Production :
Evgeny Harchenko
Film Production :
HYPE Moscow

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