Sony Playstation : Monkey Town

Planning an end-of-summer escape? Consider MonkeyTown, if you're of the simian persuasion. The online destination created by agency Tequila to promote the PlayStation 2 video game Ape Escape 3 is a veritable

Published On
Aug 23, 2006
Monkey Town

Editor's Pick

Planning an end-of-summer escape? Consider MonkeyTown, if you're of the simian persuasion. The online destination created by agency Tequila to promote the PlayStation 2 video game Ape Escape 3 is a veritable primate paradise that can be explored through an interactive visitors map. Must-see attractions include the Museum of Monkey Art (home to monkey-ized versions of famous paintings and sculptures, like "Venus de Monkey"), the Pampered Primate Spa (a customizing tool that lets you makeover a monkey), and Simian Cinemas (an editing feature that lets you splice your own monkey-themed movie trailer).


Aug 23, 2006
Interactive Associate Creative Director :
Nick Davidge
Interactive Copywriter :
Todd Murphy
Interactive Copywriter :
Glenn Sanders
Interactive Art Director :
Garman Yip
Producer :
Chincha Evans
Producer :
Matt Mitchell
Design Director/Flash Designer :
Derek Mosher
Design Director/Flash Designer :
Raleigh Felton
Design Director/Flash Designer :
Joe Schwab
Design Director/Flash Designer :
Dzuy Linh
Programming :
Brett Walker
Programming :
Brian Siu
Developer :
Todd Resudek
Technical Lead :
John Bryne
Director, Photography :
Isaac Klotz
Executive Producer :
Manuel Reta
Production Manager :
Doris Chen
Agency Producer :
Jeff Yee
Agency :
Production Company :
Venice Beach Productions
Client :
Sony Playstation
Brand :
Sony Playstation

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