Discover the World of Bulletproof Hosting in Norton's Cybercrime Documentary

Online Films Raise Awareness of Hacking Threats

Published On
Mar 15, 2016

Editor's Pick

Online security software brand Norton by Symantec explores the secretive, dark world of bulletproof web hosting in the second in a series of documentaries themed "The Most Dangeous Town on the Internet."

Last year, the company released a documentary about hackers in Romania and now it has followed that with a 20-minute episode, titled "Where Cybercrime Goes to Hide." The film, stylishly directed by Daniel Junge of HeLo, for Grey San Francisco, takes you inside a nuclear bunker in Holland, as well as the deepy odd "Sealand" offshore platform off the coast of the U.K., and from the White Mountains in Sweden to the streets of Southeast Asia. It makes for fascinating viewing -- and presumably the hopes is that viewers will be so terrified by the threats that lie within these services, like botnets, malware and ransomware, that they'll upgrade their anti-virus software now.


Mar 15, 2016
Agency :
Grey-San Francisco
Chief Creative Officer :
Curt Detweiler
Creative Director :
E Slody
Art Director :
Nei Caetano
Art Director :
Bryan Evans
Art Director :
Tatum Cardillo
Copywriter :
E Slody
Copywriter :
Marcus Petterson
Production Company :
Director :
Daniel Junge
Agency Producer :
Robert Lazarus
Director, Photography :
Wolfgang Held
Director, Photography :
Jed Klemow
Editor :
Blake Bogosian
Assistant Editor :
Steve Greenberg
Music/Sound Design :
Gunnard Doboze
Principal Talent :
Heydon Prowse
Brand :
Client :

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