New businesses take flight in Squarespace's wondrous reimagining of mission control

'Launch It' compares entrepreneurs to the scientists that pulled off the moonshot

Published On
Sep 14, 2020

Editor's Pick

Industry loves a space metaphor: liftoff, moonshot, satellite office, constellation of brands—and of course, launch. And while it might seem like a bad time to start a business, new applications this summer were up 85 percent over last year. In the middle of a pandemic, entrepreneurs are launching new endeavors at an accelerated pace.

Squarespace’s latest campaign, “Launch It,” is a fantastical representation of this explosion in growth. A small home office becomes mission control, complete with tense keystrokes and radio chatter. A sculptor reviews schematics in an outdoor sculpture studio, and laptops serve as mainframes. A yoga studio becomes a launchpad.

Over the comm, the count ticks down to website publication. The goods themselves are the payload, fired into orbit on their way to expectant customers. Honey jars and prosthetics and even carrots take flight. A bronze horse and a motorcycle blast off and anxious onlookers rush outside into rocket summer to marvel at their ascent.


The spot, directed by Ian Pons Jewell via Reset, comes from Squarespace’s internal creative team. It is accompanied by two shorter spots, directed by Raine Allen Miller from Somesuch, with an overly grandiose narrator giving tongue-in-cheek advice for building a skate or culinary brand.

The campaign is running in the U.S., U.K, Australia and Canada in broadcast, online and OOH placements.



Sep 14, 2020
Client :
Anthony Casalena
David Lee
Brand Design Director :
Gui Borchert
Creative Production Director :
Sandra Nam
Freelance Producer :
Marisa Wasser
Art Director :
Ben Hodgins
Freelance Copywriter :
JC Abruzzi
Sr. Business Affairs Manager :
Kiersten Bergstrom
Production :
Director :
Ian Pons Jewell
Mauro Chiarello
Executive Producer :
Deannie O'Neil
Line Producer :
Jon Adams
Edit :
The Whitehouse Post
Editor :
Tobias Suhm
Assistant Editor :
Nick O’Neil
Executive Producer :
Joanna Manning
Producer :
Jordan Stricklin
Time Based Arts
Executive Producer :
Tom Johnson
VFX Producer :
Jo Gutteridge
VFX Supervisor :
Sheldon Gardner
Shoot Supervisor :
Jim Radford
Color Grading :
Simone Grattarola
2D Team :
Leo Weston
2D Team :
Adam Paterson
2D Team :
Stephen Grasso
2D Team :
Will Robinson
2D Team :
Linda Cieniawska
2D Team :
Grant White
2D Team :
Manolo Perez
2D Team :
Matt Shires
2D Team :
Richie White
2D Team :
Ollie Ramsey
3D Lead :
Sam Osborne
3D Lead :
Federico Vanone
3D Team :
Ben Cantor
3D Team :
Mike Battcock
3D Team :
Walter How
3D Team :
Zoé Sottiaux
3D Team :
Ihor Obukhobvsky
3D Team :
Joffrey Zeitouni
3D Team :
Ian Baird
3D Team :
Emma Malric
Design :
Stephen Ross
Music :
Q Department

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