Samsung : The Photographic Adventures of Nick Turpin

With his Samsung 8-megapixel Pixon camera phone in hand, professional street photographer Nick Turpin has been traversing Europe throughout October. The subjects of his photos are dictated by visitors to the site thephotographicadventuresofnickturpin

Published On
Dec 24, 2008
The Photographic Adventures of Nick Turpin

Editor's Pick

With his Samsung 8-megapixel Pixon camera phone in hand, professional street photographer Nick Turpin has been traversing Europe throughout October. The subjects of his photos are dictated by visitors to the site

The website, created by Lean Mean Fighting Machine, lets visitors click on an area within a photo to effectively "vote" on Turpin's next suject. Visitors can also communicate with Nick via email or Twitter, get get info about the Pixon and see Turpin's current GPS location.