Toyota Prius : Prius x Parlee

Toyota makes cycling a thinker's sport.

Published On
Jul 24, 2011

Editor's Pick

Brainwaves meet bicycles on Prius x Parlee, or PXP, a concept cycle, that, among other things, brings a cyclist's brainwaves to his ride. The bike, which has been in development as part of Toyota's ongoing Prius projects out of Saatchi L.A.

The bike, designed by Parlee, has all the characteristics associated with a Prius, including eco-friendly materials and a comfortable, practical design. Saatchi also teamed up with Deeplocal to create a neuro-transmitter implemented helmet that can "read minds" and allow bikers to change gears just by thinking about it.

The bike is just a concept vehicle and won't be up for sale. It was featured on, a bike-enthusiast blog as part of Toyota marketing's plan.


Jul 25, 2011
Client :
Brand :
Toyota Prius
Agency :
Saatchi & Saatchi-LA
Executive Creative Director :
Margaret Keene
Executive Creative Director :
Chris Adams
Executive Creative Director :
Mike McKay
Creative Director :
Michael Tabtabai
Creative Director :
Jeff Church
Art Director :
Jonathan Granewich
Copywriter :
JD Beebe
Copywriter :
Scott Reedy
Logo Design :
Zach Richter
Director, Integrated Production/Multimedia :
Tanya LeSieur
Executive Producer :
Melissa Eccles
Senior Producer :
Margaret Nickerson
Interactive Senior Producer :
Ivan Corsa
Project Manager :
Alexis Ross
Account Director :
Maristella Marinkovic
Planning :
Sara Bamossy
Planning :
Regan Zajac
Client :
Tim Morrison
Client :
Bob Zeinstra
Client :
Colin Morisako
Bike Manufacturer :
Parlee Cycles
Founder/Designer :
Bob Parlee
Partner :
Creative Technology Director :
Nathan Martin
Hardware and Software Engineer :
Patrick Miller
Hardware and Software Engineer :
Matthew Pegula
Blogging Partner :
Writer :
John Watson
Director, Photography/Editor :
Stebs Schinnerer

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