This lonely man's personal ad was turned into three short films to help him find love

The Producers and McCann Melbourne bring a bachelor's tale to life

Published On
Jan 22, 2019

Editor's Pick

Finding true love is no easy task. But with a team of filmmakers and producers behind you, how can you fail? At least that’s the hope of one lonely Australian man whose personal ad is getting the professional treatment.

Shahram Katozpour, a 52-year-old chef who lives in Melbourne, placed a simple, sappy ad in the paper. “May my heart be your shelter and my arms be your home,” it began. Originally from Iran, previously engaged but never married, he was looking for “a friend and someone I can get to know before love.”

The ad caught the attention of film production company The Producers, which was looking for someone to showcase in a series of short films, part of a promotional campaign cooked up by McCann Melbourne. Among the other lovelorn candidates considered--a 93-year-old, and one overeager participant who volunteered to send nudes (not the same person). But Shahram’s unassuming nature won them over, and there were plenty of hooks in his story to explore.

McCann put together a print ad pointing viewers to, where they can find three videos, each directed by a different The Producers talent and showcasing a different side of Shahram’s personality. In “Before I Love,” (above) Lou Quill presents a neon-studded dance anthem written around the copy of his original ad. He reads poetry--not just on the beach but in it--and dances inelegantly but sincerely.


Mitch Kennedy’s “Share Shahram’s Table” lets the bachelor show off his skills in the kitchen and as a linguist. He narrates the ironically melodramatic spot in his native Farsi (he can speak fluent Japanese, too) while whipping up a beautiful meal for two--that he eats alone.

“Find the One” from Olivier Staub is a black-and-white noir that compares love to chess, another passion of Shahram’s.


As Valentine's Day looms around the corner, it seems the love-themed campaigns are starting to crop up. Also check out this unusual push from Samsung--a dating service that hooks people up if they dig each other's refrigerators


Jan 22, 2019
Agency :
The Producers
Agency :
Creative Director :
Andrew Woodhead
Associate Creative Director :
Aaron Lipson
Senior Art Director :
Axel Tagg
Art Director :
Megan Latter
Copywriter :
Moira Cotnoir
Copywriter :
Ellen Woods
Account Director :
Jacquelyn Whelan
Account Executive :
Leighton Howindt
Director/DOP :
Olivier Staub
Producer :
Noelle Jones
Post Production :
Shed Production
Audio :
Apollo Studio
Audio :
Windmill Audio
Director/DOP :
Mitch Kennedy
Producer :
Tanya Spencer
Editor :
Sue Schweikert
Edit :
The Post Lounge
Grade :
Martin Greer
Composer :
Ack Kinmonth
Director :
Lou Quill
Producer :
Victoria Conners
Director of Photography :
Liam Gilmour
Editor :
Ryan Brett
Grade :
CJ Dobson
Composer :
Emily McKelvie

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