R/GA : In the Red Zone

Nerd numbers for football fans.

Published On
Sep 12, 2012
In the Red Zone

Editor's Pick

R/GA's Datavizualization Group has been busy trying to make sense of some important numbers--football stats. It recently launched In the Red Zone, a tool that lets pigskin fans dive into passing and rushing performance stats for their favorite teams. For now, it's culled together data from the last six seasons (more than 5a18,034 records, including 25,717 rushing and passing plays) but will update with current stats as the season progresses.

It's not just the numbers either. The site contextualizes the information within various zones of the field, so it shows not just how well a team performs during scoring drives, but also where they're most effective on the field--all of which turns out to be a good prognosticator if they'll score in the Red Zone, and, more important, make it to postseason.


Sep 13, 2012
Agency :
Data Visualization :
Michael Lewis
Data Visualization :
Lauren Manning
Data Visualization :
Jesse Green
Data Visualization :
Luca Masud
Data Visualization :
Shu Li
Copy :
Johnny Dwyer
Technology :
Aaron Ambrose
Production :
James Huerta
Quality Assurance :
Michael Shagalov

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