Ikea Rebrands Its Products as Answers to Your Google Relationship Questions

Could Furniture Be the Solution to Your Family Crisis?

Published On
Dec 06, 2016

Editor's Pick

Ikea has been making a big effort in Sweden recently to demonstrate how its products are designed for real-life families and households "where life happens." Divorced parents and an angst ridden teenage daughter have featured in spots by agency Akestam Holst, and now it has created an interactive campaign that homes in on life's problems, too.

The retailer has renamed some of its products with the words of common Swedish Google searches about relationship problems -- like "husband snores too much" or "he can't say he loves me." So when you type these things into the internet, the appropriate Ikea product comes out of top of the search results -- a couch for the snoring spouse, a blackboard for the reticent boyfriend, a pair of sturdy scissors for the kid who plays too many computer games. As Ikea says, it might solve your problem -- or, at least, make you smile while you keep on Googling for the answer.