DnB NOR : Rocket
Now this is going just too far.
Editor's Pick
We've all, at one point or another, wished we had parents who would do whatever we want. Try/Apt Oslo and director Martin Werner shows us the foolishness of our ways, with this spot for financial services company DnB Nor. Featuring an overly loving son who wanted to marry his parents so they could stay together forever, and a doting mother who has taken unconditional love a little too far, this hilarious film hastens to warn against moms and dads who would do anything for their little angels.
This is another home run for the bank, which seems to have eschewed boring financial advice in favor of smart, plot-driven films that don't just speak to your wallets. It previously created "Lucky in Life," a hilarious film about a woman who seems to have hit the jackpot, especially when it comes to her husband.
- Date
- Sep 17, 2012
- Brand :
- Client :
- Agency :
- Try/Apt Oslo
- Art Director :
- Stian Johansen
- Creative Consultant :
- Arne Eggen
- Production Company :
- Bacon
- Director :
- Martin Werner
- Producer :
- Magne Lyngner
- Director, Photography :
- Marten Tedin
- Line Producer :
- Spill Films
- Line Producer :
- David McGinley
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