Burger King couldn't help itself ahead of April Fool's Day

Fast feeder debuts Chocolate Whopper and giant touchscreen home-ordering interface

Published On
Mar 30, 2018

Editor's Pick

Prankmaster brand Burger King couldn't help itself ahead of April Fool's Day and pulled not just one but at least two jokes ahead of Sunday, which also happens to be Easter.

In the U.S., it announced the debut of a chocolate Whopper, which, if it were real, would probably piss off the Cadbury bunny big time, and in Belgium it debuted Whopper Easy-Order, a giant touch-screen interface that allows one lucky consumer extremely simple access to BK's signature burger from the comfort of their own home. As the dude in the promo video asks--wouldn't it be easier if you just made an app? "This is way cooler," the VO responds.


Mar 30, 2018
Brand :
Burger King
Client :
Burger King
Agency :
Rights Management :
Dee Perryman
Head of TV :
Vanessa Barbel
TV Production :
Benoit Crouet
Production :
VOIR Pictures
Sound Production :
Director :
Théodore Bonnet
Producer :
Aurelien Drosne
Post Producer :
Aurelien Drosne
Post Production :
VOIR Pictures
President :
Georges Mohammed-Chrif
Executive Creative Director :
Georges Mohammed-Chrif
Vice President :
Thomas Granger
Managing Director :
Julien Levilain
Creative Director :
Louis Audard
Creative Director :
Tristan Daltroff
Artistic Director :
Edouard Jacquelin
Account Director :
Xavier Devaux Landragin
Executive Assistant :
Quentin Seguret
Head of Social Media :
Julien Scaglione
Head of PR and Communication :
Amlie Juillet
PR and Communication Assistant :
Paul Renaudineau
PR and Communication Assistant :
Suzanne Langlais
PR and Communication Assistant :
Victoire Fouquet-Lapar

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