Burt's Bees : Six Second Classics Vines: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Lip Balms In Costume, To Promote "Classics" Line
Editor's Pick
There's something very surreal about this Vine-based campaign by Burt's Bees, in which the brand's lip balms and other products "act out" classic movies in six-second shorts. Promoting its Classic line of products (which have never been marketed as a group before), the campaign, by Baldwin&, kicks off with "Little Women" (in which lip balms wear wigs and gingham dresses) and "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea". Future titles will include "Metamorphosis", "Moby Dick", "The Scarlet Letter" "Julius Caesar" and "Gulliver's Travels."
Each Vine is stop-motion animated on an iPhone by Vine animator Jethro Ames, with the in-camera, stop-motion shooting for each spot taking about four hours, after which the film must go live or be discarded. No post work is possible.
- Date
- Oct 08, 2013
- Agency :
- Baldwin & Raleigh
- Brand :
- Burt's Bees
- Client :
- Burt's Bees
- Creative Director :
- David Baldwin
- Creative Director :
- Bob Ranew
- Art Director :
- Shaun Sundholm
- Art Director :
- Jimmie Blount
- Copywriter :
- Ian Fairbrother
- Copywriter :
- Tedd Wood
- Agency Producer :
- Melissa Blavos
- Account Supervisor :
- Katharine Belloir
- Director/Production Company :
- Jethro Ames
- Sound Director :
- Pond
- Voiceover :
- Steven Barlow
- Costumes :
- Elie Rossetti Serraino
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