Hertz : Ski Brogues

Get on the slopes, fast!

Published On
Jan 14, 2013

Editor's Pick

Hertz has come up with a groundbreaking new product idea: a boot with retractable skis that ensures you get on and off the slopes in record time. Unfortunately for you, it's not real. The brand launched this site, and video, to promote "SkiBrogues," which, according to the site, retail for a cool 695 pounds for the "premier" version. But when you get on the site, it shows a Hertz ad showing weekly rates for cars to ski resorts. While Hertz puts up a good showing, this is no match for another faux-product campaign we've seen recently, for Applebee's: an inflatable doll that you can place at your desk while you nip out for a lunch. Best part was, you could actually buy those.