Evian : SmartDrop

Water delivery through an adorable little magnet.

Published On
Jun 10, 2012

Editor's Pick

Imagine this: You open your fridge in anticipation of some cool Evian water only to find that you're all out. This problematic scenario, probably more likely to cause widespread consternation in France than in America, has an easy solution courtesy Evian's new home delivery system, and BETC Paris' 'SmartDrop.'

The adorable little web-connected droplet attaches onto your fridge. You can set it to deliver a certain amount of Evian and specify the date you want it delivered. Using your wifi network, the order is sent.

BETC Paris created the drop to promote Evian's home delivery system. It reminds us of TBWA/RAAD Dubai's Pizza Magnet, which essentially did the same thing, except with a foodstuff much less healthier than good old water.

Read more about Evian SmartDrop in Behind the Work.