Fiat : Social Drive
Social media-no longer a driving hazard.
Editor's Pick
Agencia Click Isobar helped Fiat become more social--and arguably, made driving safer with a new feature it conceived that for the brand's Punto model. The Fiat Social Drive enables its drivers to connect to their social networks and keep abreast of their friends' updates while letting them focus on the road ahead of them.
Drivers launch the service with voice command and it gives them the lowdown on what's happening with friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare. The service came exclusively with the automaker's Novo Punto range and was a key marketing feature of the cars. According to the agency, within a month of launch, car sales rose 96% compared to the previous month, seeing an average of 4,600 car sales a month subsequent to its release.
- Date
- Dec 10, 2012
- Brand :
- Fiat
- Client :
- Fiat
- Agency :
- AgenciaClick Isobar
- Chief Creative Officer :
- Raphael Vasconcellos
- Chief Creative Officer :
- Fred Saldanha
- Executive Creative Director :
- Eduardo Battiston
- Creative :
- Bruno Barbieri
- Creative :
- Diogo Valim
- Design :
- Bruno Oyama
- Design :
- Felipe Accorsi
- Design :
- Eduardo Rodarte
- Design :
- Eduardo Marzionna
- Illustration :
- Gustavo Bockos
- Motion Design :
- Fabio del Rio
- Motion Design :
- Lucas Lourenco
- Motion Design :
- Fabricio Lucio
- Technology :
- Fabiano D'Agostinho
- Technology :
- Marcos Paulo Santos Falcao
- Technology :
- Luis Leao
- Creative Planner :
- Renata Bokel
- Creative Planner :
- Bertrand Cocallemen
- Creative Planner :
- Armando Areias
- Media :
- Rose Campiani
- Media :
- Guilherme Horacio
- Media :
- Nadia Freitas
- Media :
- Amanda Coutinho
- Production :
- Priscila Moscovich
- Production :
- Carolina Florentino
- Soundtrack :
- Ritmika
- Telephony Solution :
- Nuswit
- Case Study Production :
- Talk Filmes
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