JWT Brazil Creates 'Superformula' to Help Kids Battling Cancer

Recasts chemotherapy in new light to help change children's perception

Published On
May 29, 2013

Editor's Pick

Chemotherapy may be a necessary treatment for kids battling cancer, but it’s not the most pleasant one. So JWT Brazil worked with clients A.C. Camargo Cancer Center and Warner Brothers to transform the experience into one of empowerment, with the help of famous superheros.

The agency created special chemotherapy covers emblazoned with the logos of heroes like Superman, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman, transforming the drugs into “Superformula” in order to help change kids’ perception of the treatment.

The covers, however, were just the beginning. The agency also produced special comic books that showed the heroes themselves falling ill and then recovering their strength with the help of the Superformula. The agency also helped to transform the hospital’s Children’s Ward into a Superhero-themed wonderland. The game room turned into the Hall of Justice, while corridors and doors also took on a superhero theme.

Famous heroes were also used to help sway kids in this seatbelt effort from Fiat and Leo Burnett Tailor Made, while the idea of changing children’s perception of illness was at the heart of this ingenius app out of Cundari, for the Hospital for Sick Children.





May 30, 2013
Brand :
A.C.Camargo Cancer Center
Client :
A.C.Camargo Cancer Center
Agency :
JWT Brasil
Chief Creative Officer :
Ricardo John
Head of Art :
Fabio Simoes
Creative Director :
Hernan Rebalderia
Creative Director :
Santiago Dulce
Art Director :
Guilherme Sakosigue
Copywriter :
Fabio Ozorio
Broadcast Director :
Marcia Lacaze
Art Buyer :
Paula Ferrari
Graphics Producer :
Flavio Schaefer
Graphics Producer :
Flavio Colella
Animation Production :
Executive Producer :
Eliza Flores
Director :
Gualter Pupo
Mounting :
Ricardo Mehedff
Sound Production :
Video :
Hungry Man

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