Give your trash talk some manners with these sympathy cards from Powerade
Want that burn to last? Write it down and mail it
Editor's Pick
The sympathy card is a token of a bygone era, when friends penned their condolences on thick, rough paper adorned with pastel flowers and sappy script. But thanks to Powerade, this lost art has returned, if only briefly.
Now fans of the sports drink can take the high road while still talking smack about people who need sympathy the most--their defeated opponents. Real greeting cards, illustrated with humiliating losses, include heartfelt apologies like, "My bad for dunking on you the other day. I can't begin to imagine how difficult that must have been for you."
Not into basketball? Try the "I Was Trippin" card: "I'm sorry I scored so many goals on you like that. I hope this doesn't affect our friendship." Or the "My Apologies" card: "So sorry you were unable to tackle me the other day. I hope that one day you can learn to forgive yourself."
Ten different cards created by Wieden & Kennedy are available at, covering football and men and women's basketball and soccer. Through the end of September, visitors can customize the cards with names and have them mailed directly to the loser…uh, recipient.
- Date
- Aug 24, 2018
- Brand :
- Powerade
- Agency :
- Wieden & Kennedy-Portland
- Creative Director :
- Erik Fahrenkopf
- Creative Director :
- Max Stinson
- Writer :
- Adam Tetreault
- Writer :
- Damian Fitzgerald
- Art Director :
- James Moslander
- Art Director :
- Derrick Ho
- Digital Producer :
- Teresa Lai
- Digital Producer :
- Eddye Borgese
- Digital Producer :
- Molly Fleet
- Art Producer :
- Andrea Bakacs
- Print Producer :
- Denise Hanggi
- Print Producer :
- Kristin Holder
- Business Affairs Manager :
- Kevin Moyer
- Group Account Director :
- David Hughes
- Brand Director :
- Dave Hubbard
- Brand Manager :
- Tobin Kittoe
- Strategy Director :
- Henry Lambert
- Sr. Strategist :
- Zack Kaplan
- Project Manager :
- Jody Hart
- Studio Manager :
- Simone Takasaki
- Studio Designer :
- Katy Lee
- Studio Designer :
- Michael Rosenau
- Illustrator :
- Aleksandr Prodan
- Illustrators Producer/Translator :
- Ludmila Dmytrenko
- Illustrator Agent :
- Kateryna Duda
- Illustrator Agency :
- Illustra
- Type Designer :
- Jessica Hische
- Type Designer Agent :
- Frank Sturges
- Type Designer Agency :
- Frank Sturges Reps
- Production Company :
- Media.Monks
- Producer :
- Paul Suurmeijer
- Producer :
- Tara Conlin
- Development :
- Alex Danklof
- Development :
- Ben Alcasas
- Development :
- Marco Do Vale Pires Brotas
- Development :
- Ren Drienhuizen
- Development :
- Launde Morel
- VFX / Animation Studio :
- W+K Motion
- Animation Lead :
- Jeff Ackley
- CG Supervisor :
- Adam Sirkin
- Motion Design/Animation :
- Jeff Ackley
- Motion Design/Animation :
- Sunny Yazdani
- Clean up/Prep Artist :
- Chris Huang
- Voiceover Talent :
- Llou Johnson
- Mix Company :
- Joint Editorial
- Audio Mixer :
- Noah Woodburn
- Audio Mix Assistant :
- Natalie Huizenga
- Mix Executive Producer :
- Leslie Carthy
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