Tate Modern : Tacita Dean Film Website
Celebrating the art of film, digitally.
Editor's Pick
British artist Tacita Dean is famously an advocate of analogue film, so how do you make a companion website for her work? Nexus Interactive Arts confronted this challenge by working with director Woof Wan-Bau to create a site for Dean's latest installation at the Tate Modern in London.
FILM, which is the latest in the Unilever Series of installations in the Turbine Hall of London's Tate Modern, is a celebration of analogue film, consisting of a silent 35mm looped film projected vertically onto a 13 meter high monolith. To capture the theme of this work, the website acts an an 'immersive journey through a series of cinematic tableaux', each one describing a part of the film making process.
The website, developed by digital studio El Mysterioso, uses HTML5 techniques to create an edge-to-edge video that acts as an interactive gateway to the content, much of which was especially commissioned for the site from artists and filmmakers. Variations of the site will also work for iPhone and iPad.
- Date
- Nov 01, 2011
- Brand :
- Tate Modern
- Client :
- Tate Modern
- Agency :
- Nexus Interactive Arts
- Director :
- Woof Wan-Bau
- Website Development :
- El Mysteryioso
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