ESPN : Team Spirit
People say when you're a fan, you're a fan for life. But that may be a little shortsighted.
Editor's Pick
It's not crazy, it's sports -- even if you're dead. Errol Morris and Wieden & Kennedy New York get a little bit dark with their latest work for ESPN, an eight-minute documentary film about sports fans that take their fanatacisim with them to the afterlife.
The film features interviews with funeral directors, tombstone-carvers and families of the sports-crazed deceased. Mr. Morris is also heard intermittently, asking questions. Among the highlights is a funeral where the minister wore a Cowboys jersey under his suit, a Baltimore Orioles casket and a hearse decked out in Ravens flags.
Classic title cards introduce each of the deceased, and there is footage and clever dialogue that makes an otherwise macabre topic somewhat light-hearted. Of course, the film is beautifully shot by Morris, with close-up interviews and gorgeous pictures of the fixtures of a funeral parlor. And it ends with a pretty clever tagline, that will draw chuckles, even if they are a little uncomfortable.
The campaign will also feature 15, 30 and 60-second trailers.
- Date
- Aug 01, 2012
- Brand :
- Client :
- Agency :
- Wieden & Kennedy - New York
- Director :
- Errol Morris
- Executive Creative Director/Production :
- Ian Reichenthal
- Creative Director :
- Brandon Henderson
- Creative Director :
- Stuart Jennings
- Art Director :
- Cyrus Coulter
- Copywriter :
- Dave Canning
- Head of Content Production :
- Lora Schulson
- Executive Producer :
- Temma Shoaf
- Senior Producer :
- Jesse Wann
- Business Affairs Director :
- Sara Jagielski
- Business Affairs Manager :
- Angel Cielo
- Production Manager :
- Julie Knight
- Designer :
- Darren Philip
- Stop-Motion Animation :
- Jamie Carreiro
- Executive Creative Director/Production :
- Scott Vitrone
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