UNHCR's Moving Film Shows the Struggles of the Refugee Olympians

Trailer Is for a Longer Documentary by Grey London and Just So

Published On
Aug 04, 2016

Editor's Pick

The United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) has released a moving film ahead of the Olympic Games, focusing on the 10-strong team of refugees who will compete in Rio.

Four months ago, when the IOC announced the formation of the Refugee Olympic Team, production company Just So sought out the team, gaining access to the 10 athletes. Today, ahead of the Olympics opening ceremony, a 90-second film -- a trailer for a forthcoming long-form documentary co-produced with Grey London -- is being released in cooperation with UNHCR. With scenes of refugees fleeing violence and terror interspersed with footage of athletes training, it aims to build respect and empathy for the global refugee population as well as the team of Olympians.

The film will be hosted on the UNHCR YouTube page also and featured on the Google U.K. homepage. UNHCR is urging viewers inspired by the film to sign its #WithRefugees petition.

"The word refugee provokes feelings of negativity, fear or at best, sympathy. We want to inspire admiration instead of pity. Because to be a refugee is to have survived, to have endured, to have never given up," said Richard Ascott, Managing Director of Just So, in a statement.