Tiger Beer: Tiger Uncage Anthony Chen (60 second)

Published On
Jun 04, 2014


Tiger 2014 campaign heroes have each inspired others to chase their dreams and not be caged by convention.

Singapore born and bred and from a classic middle class family, Anthony was expected to follow the predictable path to career and financial success. Unexpectedly however, he discovered a passion for filmmaking. In

2013 he won the prestigious Cannes Camera D'Or for his debut film 'Ilo'.

Today Anthony continues to break new ground, inspiring others to pursue their creative dreams and find the courage to make them reality. As an uncaged hero Anthony has broken through the conventions of Asian cinema, dominated by action and gangster films, to create work that conveys a new sense of honesty that he hopes will inspire others to uncage their stories and their creativity.


Jun 04, 2014
Agency :
Client :
Heineken - Asia Pacific
Brand :
Tiger Beer
Agency Producer :
Holly Alexander
Director :
Christopher Riggert
Post Production and Visual Effects :
Director, Photography :
Jeremy Rouse
Creative Director :
Andrew Fergusson
Art Director :
Leslie Sharpe
Business Director :
Richard Sweetman
Production Company :
Producer :
Michael Hilliard
Editor :
Peter Sciberras
Music :
Sonar Music
Music :
Song Zu

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