AMC Theaters/Oreo : Twitter Showdown

Slap on the wrist!

Published On
Sep 25, 2012
Twitter Showdown

Editor's Pick

We can't buy the huge, 16-ounce, $10 sodas at AMC Movie Theaters any more, so the brand might understandably be a little sensitive about any other attempts to undercut its profitability. Which resulted in this cute little Twitter exchange between the movie theater and Oreo, which asked if any "slick snackers" ever brought their own Oreos to the movie theater. This might be even better than the now famous showdown between Old Spice and Taco Bell.

Update: Oreo responded with a cheeky tweet, but AMC is having none of it. Game on, folks.


Sep 26, 2012
Brand :
AMC Theaters/Oreo
Client :
AMC Theaters/Oreo

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