USS KIDD Veteran’s Museum website & virtual tour
Preserving and sharing Naval history for all
USS KIDD is a Fletcher-class destroyer restored to her original 1942 configuration and open for tours at her port of retirement in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Adjoining her on land is the Veteran’s Museum that celebrates KIDD and a range of naval history.
Prior to partnering with ThreeSixtyEight, USS KIDD’s website ( was stuck in yesteryears, inaccessible to most, and not succeeding at its main goals of driving traffic to the museum or donations to the organization. ThreeSixtyEight was proud to work with the KIDD’s passionate team to bring to life a website that preserves a rich history, introduces people of all kinds to the sights of a 1942 destroyer, and shines a light on all that they offer onsite.
Key features include an accessible virtual tour, the preservation of first-hand veteran recollections discovered in file archives, and a dedicated teacher space to help educators make history come alive for their students via lesson plans, field trips, and more.
- Date
- Oct 17, 2019
- Agency :
- ThreeSixtyEight
- Chief Strategy Officer :
- Jeremy Beyt
- Chief Technology Officer :
- Nick Defelice
- Project Management :
- Kara Pitre
- Strategy :
- Tara Lirette
- Design :
- Shelby Buquet
- Development :
- Maxel Rodrigues
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