Vital Farms compares hens to office workers in ads calling out food industry 'bullsh*t'

Latest campaign from Preacher focuses on widespread practices like cages, lack of sunlight and more

Published On
Sep 26, 2022

Editor's Pick

A new campaign from Vital Farms, the egg and butter brand, highlights its approach to animal welfare by comparing the conditions its animals are reared in to that of office workers.

The new work by Preacher, which also calls out "bullsh*t" food industry practices, includes a spot that shows three workers cramped into a tiny cage with "one square foot of space to work with," going on to explain that "that's life for a cage free hen."



Another spot points out that "some companies make their employees work in dark, cramped conditions." There's also a spot about "bullsh*t corporate events" --something Vital Farms' chickens don't have to put up with. And another spot calls out "calling your egg company over meadows or valleys.:


The four spots, which were directed by Hornet's Sander Plug, are rolling out across streaming television, online, and social platforms including Hulu, YouTube, TikTok and more.

The tagline of the campaign, "Keeping it Bullsh*t Free," aims to challenge viewers to rethink widespread industry practices, including misleading labels like cage-free, hollow corporate initiatives and poor worker conditions. It's a continuation of Vital Farms' previous campaigns around industry transparency,  including its Hens Behind the Lens campaign which involved a chicken operated camera,
According to Kathryn McKeon, Chief Marketing Officer, Vital Farms, it reflects the disruptive spirit Vital Farms was founded on. "This campaign continues to tell the story of the role we play in breaking and resetting industry standards, challenging norms, and raising the bar of the entire industry,” said McKeon in a statement.

“Vital Farms is clear on what they stand for, so having a stark contrast between the two worlds was something that we really strived for," added Kymberli Fraser, art director at Preacher. "We wanted to start in a dark and stark place that let you really unpack these industry practices and see just how strange they were before letting viewers escape to Vital Farms, where things are done the right way and follow basic common sense."




Sep 26, 2022
Client :
Vital Farms
Agency :
Chief Marketing Officer :
Kathryn McKeon
Director of Brand Marketing :
Heather Mace
Senior Associate Brand Manager :
Jessie Vogel
Brand Manager :
Kevin Panitch
Chief Creative Officer :
Rob Baird
Chief Executive Officer :
Krystle Loyland
Chief Strategy Officer :
Seth Gaffney
Creative Director :
Jimmie Blount
Creative Director :
Justin Ralph
Art Director :
Kymberli Fraser
Senior Copywriter :
Andrew Singleton
Designer :
Marissa Servantez
Junior Designer :
Wendy Ampuero
Junior Strategist :
Tashanee Williams
Brand Director :
Kristen Meade
Senior Brand Manager :
Taylor Jansen
Head of Production :
Stacey Higgins
Executive Producer :
Katie Harris
Business Affairs :
Miiko Martin
Business Affairs :
Carianne Humpal
Production Company :
Director :
Sander Plug
Managing Director :
Hana Shimizu
Head of Production :
Karen Lawler
Head of Creative Development :
Kristin Labriola
Executive Producer :
Ashley Monaghan
Line Producer :
Nik Sipolins
Production Supervisor :
Dez Stavracos
Producer :
Hanna Smith-Ide
Production Manager :
Nikki Horowitz
Production Coordinator :
Brandon Buikema
Director of Photography :
Zak Mulligan
1st Assistant Director :
Corie Purdey
Production Designer :
Olga Miasnikova
Editor :
Anita Chao
VFX Supervisor :
Evan Schoonmaker
CG Supervisor :
John Kalaigan
Compositing :
Kevin Matuszewski
Compositing :
Sang Lee
Compositing :
Matthew DeFranco
Meg Oswalt
Colorist :
Kook Colour
Audio Record & Mix :
Senior Sound Mixer :
Dusty Albertz
Post Producer :
Rachel Kichler

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