Huoneistokeskus : What happened at the Open House?

Must-watch real estate moments.

Published On
May 28, 2012

Editor's Pick

To update its image for a new generation, long-established Finnish real estate firm Huoneistokeskus staged a series of unconventional incidents at Open Houses, then made sure people could only watch the footage if they became Facebook fans. Weird moments such as singing realtors and realtors emerging from boxes - along with the customers' stunned reactions - captured with hidden cameras. The clips were published on Huoneistokeskus' Facebook fanpage asking 'What happened at the open house?'. During the first week of the campaign, devised by McCann Worldgroup Helsinki, close to 10,000 people 'liked' both the idea and the company, making it the most liked Finnish real estate brand on Facebook.


May 29, 2012
Brand :
Client :
Agency :
McCann Worldgroup-Helsinki
Creative :
Jyrki Poutanen
Creative :
Timo Silvennoinen
Graphic Designer :
Kim Takala
Web Developer :
Sannamaria Salevaara
Agency Producer :
Sannamaria Salevaara
Web Developer :
Karolina Hurmerinta
Web Developer :
Teemu Lahti
Production Agency :
Filmo Helsinki
Director :
Viljami Eronen
Other :
Yrjo Haavisto
Other :
Joni Lyytikainen

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