Discovery Channel : Worst Handyman

Feeling stressed? Got the urge to take a chainsaw to the nearest wall or a blowtorch to the nearest pipe? Well, viewers of Discovery Channel's renovation reality show Canada's Worst Handyman no longe

Published On
Apr 05, 2006
Worst Handyman

Editor's Pick

Feeling stressed? Got the urge to take a chainsaw to the nearest wall or a blowtorch to the nearest pipe? Well, viewers of Discovery Channel's renovation reality show Canada's Worst Handyman no longer have to indulge their destructive impulses vicariously. Interactive agency and advergame developer Fuel Industries has developed HomeWrecker, a website chock full of mini-games that utilize interactive video technology to put players right in the middle of the show's do-it-yourself action. "Video is a passive medium, but the internet isn't," says director of creative marketing Sean MacPhedran. "Would a consumer rather watch destructionor destroy?"


Apr 05, 2006
Game Design :
Karbon Arc
Client :
Discovery Channel
Chief Creative Officer :
Mike Burns
Creative Contributor :
Rob Plowman
Copywriter :
Tim Bacon
Director, Creative Marketing :
Sean MacPhedran
Design :
Chris Scrivens
Design :
Joel Grenier
Production :
Carrie Harris
Design Director/Flash Designer :
Jason Slater
Design Director/Flash Designer :
Julian Dolce
Music/Sound Effects :
Rob Plowman
Music/Sound Effects :
Mike White
Photography/Video Editing :
Cy Hogg
Photography/Video Editing :
Pat Lau
Still Photographer :
Pascal Boraschi
Project Manager :
Pascal Boraschi
Agency :
Fuel Industries
Brand :
Discovery Channel

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