Put All Your Crazy Into Home Improvement, Says Hornbach's Latest Spot

You're at Home, So Do What You Like

Published On
Sep 01, 2016

Editor's Pick

German retailer Hornbach always impresses us with its ads by Heimat, Berlin. Whether funny or touching, they manage to bring a different take to the category of home improvement, and are always brilliantly directed. The latest is no exception, detailing the craziness that can happen when a guy gets embroiled in his "project" and the blood, sweat and tears that go into it.

It opens with the lines: "They say there's no method to your madness...but who f***ing cares?" and continues in the same vein, with our protagonist experiencing arrogance, failure, pain and more on his journey to home improvement heaven.

It's fun, but there is a serious point. The underlying messsage of this ad is: you're at home, you can do what you like, however crazy or humiliating.

"We've spent the past few months taking a long, hard look at the ever-increasing constraints on people's personal freedom," said Heimat creative director Guido Heffels in a statement. "We've looked at social regulations and laws and also at the last bastion of liberty -- one's own four walls. A topic absolutely relevant to today."

British director Ian Pons Jewell helmed the spot, via Berlin production company Anorak. It will run across Europe, including Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania and Luxembourg.