Advertising Week insights: Creating a more joyful workplace
Two Advertising Week panels explored how to re-envision the work place, which is focused on productivity but often forgets the human side.

Human workplace needs take center stage at Advertising Week
The Female Quotient gathered leaders to discuss prioritizing employee well being over consumer needs, and ensuring for females a healthy, balanced…

Heard at Cannes: Ways to increase diversity and inclusion
Media, marketing and advertising leaders gathered at Cannes to discuss how to advance diversity and inclusion, and how companies can accomplish…

How advertisers can change outdated motherhood narratives
While images of motherhood have evolved beyond most stereotypes, advertisers still have a long way to go to present a fuller, more authentic…

NBC’s ‘Today’ anchors promote STEM for girls in humorous PSA
The Ad Council’s PSA encouraging STEM careers for girls debuts during Super Bowl LVI, featuring ‘Today’ show anchors in a humorous dream sequence…

6 ways the advertising industry can be inclusive in 2022
The Female Quotient presents ideas from media executives on how the advertising industry can become more equity-centered in 2022.
The Female Quotient (The FQ) is changing the equation and closing the gaps. The FQ’s diverse mix of live events, online forums, custom research, media, and corporate advisory services identifies challenges, surfaces effective strategies, forges powerful networks, and ultimately sparks measurable progress. Through its intensive engagement with women around the world, in multiple industries, and at every level, The FQ has a rare understanding of what is on the minds of working women and what specific needs must be addressed to confront existing inequalities. For more information, visit: www.thefemalequotient.com.

How to level the playing field for women’s sports
A new study by The Female Quotient and DAZN reveals that while female sports receive little media coverage, there are many ways things can be…

#speakerready: closing the gaps in speaker representation
New efforts are underway to increase the diversity of speaker lineups and panels at events. Diversity of…