Cannes Lions 2022—live updates from the Croisette
From news to analysis to sightings—a regularly updated list.
Latest updates
Top 5 Grand Prix winning campaigns
All of the Grand Prix winners
And the agency of the year is ...
Gallop’s harsh words for Brazil, Inkwell Beach could be much closer
See Friday's Grand Prix winners
Cannes Lions’ first Deaf juror on how to make the festival even more inclusive
Why Pinterest is against pimple popping videos
TV measurement takeaways from top execs
Mo Said uses Gold Lion award to donate to Afghanistan
HP exhorts Stengel’s CMO students to hire Ukrainian refugee creatives
Publicis' beach party
See Thursday's Grand Prix winners
After a two-year hiatus, the advertising world convenes again at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, June 20-24, 2022.
Ad Age reporters and editors will keep you up to date with happenings from the industry’s biggest and buzziest awards celebration. Want updates delivered straight to your inbox? Be sure to sign up for our special report Cannes newsletter here.