Reese’s Super Bowl ad was meant to tell fans that the peanut butter cups were getting a layer of caramel. The ad involved a lot of yelling and had no celebrities. Will Arnett narrated the spot, saying that big changes were coming to Reese’s, causing fans to yell “Nooo!” and freak out—jumping out windows, punching holes in the wall. The spot, from Erich and Kallman and directed by Harold Einstein, was one of Ad Age’s favorites from Super Bowl 2024.
This was Hershey’s third Super Bowl spot. The company’s second Super Bowl ad came in 2020 with a spot for Reese’s Take 5 bar that showed an office of idioms.
Brand: Reese’s
Agency: Erich and Kallman
Quarter: 1
Super Bowl: LVIII
Year: 2024