Aleve’s first-ever Super Bowl spot starred Leonard Nimoy playing himself, unable to do his "Star Trek" character's Vulcan salute due to arthritis pain. But then he discovers Aleve. Omnicom's Energy BBDO created the spot.
Director: Jeff Gorman. Production company: Sandwick Films. Director of photography: Curtis Wehr. Producer: Lilly La Bonge.
Agency chief creative officer: Marty Orzio. Creative director: Helayne Spivak. Copywriter: Helayne Spivak. Creative director/art director: Miles Turpin. Executive producer/music producer: Jim Benoit.
Editorial: The Whitehouse. Editor: Meg Kubicka. Music: Spank! Composer: Mat Morse. Sound design: Another Country. Audio mixer: John Binder. Animation: Filmworkers Club. Colorist: Lynette Duensing. VFX: Scott Harris.
BRAND: Aleve
YEAR: 2006