Behold the winner of the annual beauty pageant that is USA Today's Super Bowl Ad Meter and, simultaneously, a spot labeled "classless" by The New York Times. (Speaking of inappropriate, Super Bowl XXXVIII was where Janet Jackson had her halftime wardrobe malfunction.) Ad Age's Bob Garfield may have channeled the strategic Super Bowl triangulation going on at Anheuser-Busch's Bud Light and Omnicom Group's Downtown Partners Toronto as they dreamed up this one:
While lacking the droll sophistication of the igniting-horse-fart gag, and owing a debt to the 20-year-old Stroh's classic "Alex," it's good for a snort.
Director: Jeff Gorman. Production companies: JGF, Radke Films.
Agency producer: Bob Kirk. Creative director: Dan Pawych. Art director: Daniel Vendramin. Copywriter: Darren Clarke. Editorial: School Editing. Editor: David Hicks
Post Production: A X Y Z. Sound design: Pirate Radio and Television.
BRAND: Bud Light
YEAR: 2004
AGENCY: Downtown Partners