Coca-Cola and Wieden & Kennedy's "It's Mine" features familiar Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade floats fighting over a giant Coke, with the unlikely Charlie Brown as winner. Coke and Wieden would return to the battle-for-a-big-Coke theme with "Mirage" for 2013's Super Bowl XLVII, but the execution and humor in "It's Mine," not to mention some familiar and fond intellectual property, would put the 2008 spot in regular rotation on later lists of the best Super Bowl ads of all time.
"It's Mine" was one of two 60-second spots in Super Bowl XLII for brand Coca-Cola (see also "Jinx") and earned Wieden & Kennedy a D&AD Yellow Pencil award. Rival PepsiCo also aired two 60-second spots for its beverages in the game that year, one featuring celebrity Justin Timberlake for Pepsi ("Magnetic Attraction") and another for Diet Pepsi Max ("Nod"), both by BBDO.
Director: Nicolai Fuglsig, who had helmed commercials for Sony, Motorola and JC Penney. Production company: MJZ. Director of photography: Ellen Kuras. Producer: Emma Wilcockson. Executive producer: Eric Stern. Production designer: Robb Buono.
Creative directors: Sheena Brady, Hal Curtis. Senior agency producer: Matt Hunnicutt.
Balloon consultant: Starbound Entertainment.
VFX: The Mill. VFX supervisors: Angus Kneale, Andrew Proctor. Lead Flame artists: Angus Kneale, Dan Williams. Flame artists: Randy McEntee, Pheng Sisopha. CG supervisor/senior CG artist: Ben Smith. VFX producer: Bethan Thomas. CG producer: Asher Edwards. Telecine: Fergus McCall.
Editorial: Whitehouse. Editor: Russell Icke. Post producer: Justin Kumpata.
BRAND: Coca-Cola
YEAR: 2008
AGENCY: Wieden & Kennedy