The opening 30 seconds of this minute-long Super Bowl spot by Goodby Silverstein & Partners, was intentionally tongue in cheek, designed to introduce “a whole new E-Trade” by finally doing away with its silly monkey mascot. (In 2016, Dos Equis would find a similar way to jettison its original Most Interesting Man in the World.)
Jokes about burning money were a little risky as the economy soured and E-Trade kept up an ad binge that totaled $1.6 billion from 1996 through 2002. E-Trade’s stock plummeted to below $3 a share in 2002, having peaked at $60 before the dotcom bubble burst in 2000. In 2001 and 2002 combined the company lost $428 million, and later in 2002 it was revealed that, despite the company’s financial struggles, E-Trade CEO Christos Costakos took home $78.5 million in compensation in 2001.
But viewers of Super Bowl XXXVI responded well, at least by the lights of USA Today's annual Ad Meter gauging entertainment value, where it took eighth place. E-Trade then took the Super Bowl off for a stretch, not returning until 2007 ("One Finger," "Robbery") and only bringing its talking baby mascot to the game in 2008 ("Talking Baby Part 1," "Talking Baby Part 2"). The (controversial) mantle of Super Bowl chimpanzee advertising, meanwhile, passed to CareerBuilder with 2005's "Monkeys," "Titanic," and "Whoopie Cushion."
Director: Brian Buckley, the prolific Super Bowl presence. Production company: Hungry Man. Director of photography: Russel Carpenter.
Creative director: Rich Silverstein. Group creative director: David Gray. Art directors: David Gray, Stephen Pearson. Copywriter: Tom Miller. Agency producer: Barbro Eddy. Music company: Elias Arts. Music composer: Michael Sherwood. Editing: MacKenzie Cutler. Editor: Ian Mackenzie.
BRAND: E-Trade
YEAR: 2002
AGENCY: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners