In E-Trade's first Super Bowl back since exiling its chimpanzee mascot to space in 2002 ("Monkey Musical") and its final big-game outing before the reign of the talking baby, the online brokergage ran two 30-second spots from BBDO New York.
“Robbery” depicts a bank robbery committed by people wearing animal masks, signifying people being robbed by their bank. The gang isn't quite the Dead Presidents crew from "Point Break," but it's a little chilling nonetheless. “One Finger” shows various things that can be done with the titular digit, including reallocating your entire investment portfolio by clicking on a mouse.
Director: Paul Middleditch. Production company: HSI Productions.
Chief creative officers: David Lubars, Bill Bruce. Creative directors: Steve Rutter, Wil Boudreau. Copywriter: Wil Boudreau. Art director: Steve Rutter. Agency producer: J.D. Williams.
Post production: Charlex. Editor: Paul Norling.
BRAND: E-Trade
YEAR: 2007