Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson shows he has his priorities straight in this comedic action saga in 30 seconds, created by Interpublic's Deutsch New York, as he turns down people needing help in order to get milk for the kids at home.
The spot was created for the Milk Processor Education Program, or MilkPep, an association of United States milk processors. It was far from the first trade group to advertise on in the big game. Previous entries include the Canned Food Information Council in 1985 (the all-CGI "Brilliance"), the American Dairy Association in 1986 ("Cheese, Glorious Cheese," featuring the eponymous earworm) and the Beer Institute in 2006 ("Slainte," meant to blunt rising wine and liquor consumption).
Director: Peter Berg, who directed the action-packed feature film "Battleship," among others, as well as Super Bowl spots such as Hyundai's "Ryanville" and Hulu's "Alec in Huluwood." Production company: Pony Show. Director of photography: John Schwartzman. Executive producers: Jeff Frankel, Susan Kirson. Producers: Helga Gruber, Fern Martin.
Deutsch chief creative officer: Greg DiNoto. Senior VP-creative director: Bernie Hogya. VP-associate creative director: Chip Rich. Executive VP-director of integrated production:Joe Calabrese. VP-senior producer: Josh Litwhiler. Producer: Josh Litwhiler.
VFX/design/color: The Mill. VFX producer: Charlotte Arnold. Shoot supervisors: Chris Bernier, Corey Brown. Creative director: Ben Smith. 2D lead artist: Corey Brown. 3D lead artist: Chris Bernier. 2D artists: Robert Bruce, Antoine Douadi, Caio Sorrentino. 3D artists: Justin Diamond, Jimmy Gass, Naotaka Minami, Wyatt Savarese, Navdeep Singh, Hassan Taimur (crowd effects/massive). Matte painting: Olivier Mitonneau. Spaceship design: Bryce Wymer. Colorist: Tom Poole (Company 3).
Mix: Audio Engine. Mixer: Carl Mandelbaum. Sound Design: Soundelux. Music: Beta Petrol. Performed by: The Styletones. Creative Director: Brent Asbury. Executive producer: Jason Adam Baker.
Editorial: Rock Paper Scissors. Editor: Adam Pertofsky. Producers: Juliet Batter, Helena Lee. Edit assist: Victoria Lesiw.
BRAND: MilkPep
YEAR: 2013
AGENCY: Deutsch